It just POURED down rain this morning. We were supposed to take the boys to soccer (football), but that was rained out; and to go to Oweno market to purchase some chatingi (native patterned) fabric for the buntings that Nawezakana is learning to make. But one doesn't go to Oweno casually is one is a mzungo - you wear closed toed shoes, long pants, and keep your purse in front! - so we have postponed that! Not to mention that smells in those areas are horrible when mixed with rain and mud... ugh. Zeke went to science with Jess, Steph and Rick, and did 5 hours of chemistry and physics!
Still no power, and it's not too bad. Amazing what you can still do, as long as you have a gas stove and a generator. The generator doesn't power everything, but we can put on sections long enough to charge phones and iPods, heat some water for showers, etc. But it's better on a sunny day than a wet one, for sure.
Supposed to go to an African women's thing tonight at Serena, but I took a 2 hour nap and couldn't do it... Hopefully this is the lowest point of this cold!
"It take Almighty grace to take the next step when there is no vision and no spectator - the next step in devotion, the next step in your study, in your reading, in your kitchen; the next stp in your duty, when there is no vision from God, no enthusiam and no spectator. It takes far more of the grace of God, far more conscious drawing upon God to take that next step, than it does to preach the Gospel." Oswald Chamber, My Utmost for His Highest
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